
Lluna vergonyosa

Llocs o gent



(i a la dreta, un peix...)

Mirades perdudes

Raúl Huerta, 2007, collage i tècnica mixta



I watched a monkey swimming in my bed like a bird
I watched a donkey flying at my head like the monkey
I felt a liquid running down my throat like a toad
I felt a smell, a taste of marmalade,
when I saw your face.

I’m becoming paranoid with you gone
If I could go back in time just to find
One more lie to buy some...time...

I saw a baby screaming in a car and run so far
I lost my shoes, found them in a pool with the baby
I took the car, drove into a bend and bent in bed
I watched myself falling from a cliff when I heard you breathe.
The Sunday Drivers, Tiny Telephone (2007)



Clive d'Oliveira, Crosswords #1D, #6A, #6B,
2003, acrílic sobre tela, 60x60